Cisco Catalyst 9166 Series Access Points

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Titik Akses (AP) Cisco Catalyst Seri 9166 memungkinkan Anda memilih antara manajemen lokal dan manajemen cloud. AP ini merupakan AP generasi berikutnya yang sempurna untuk penerapan penting dan mendukung pita 6GHz baru untuk Wi-Fi. AP ini tangguh, aman, dan cerdas.

Catalyst 9166D1, digambarkan dengan konfigurasi berbeda yang menggunakan braket [AIR-AP-Bracket-2] dan lengan yang dapat diartikulasikan [CW-MNT-ART2-00]

Titik akses Wi-Fi 6E seri Cisco Catalyst 9166 memungkinkan pengoperasian pada pita 6GHz untuk menghasilkan jaringan yang lebih andal dan aman, dengan throughput yang lebih tinggi, kapasitas lebih besar, dan gangguan perangkat yang lebih sedikit. Titik akses ini menyediakan tiga radio 4x4 dan sejumlah fitur canggih, termasuk sensor lingkungan terintegrasi dan radio IoT. Seri Catalyst 9166 bahkan menawarkan model antena terarah internal - Catalyst 9166D1 - yang dirancang untuk kasus penggunaan dan area dengan langit-langit tinggi seperti auditorium, gudang, dan area ruang terbuka besar lainnya. Catalyst 9166D1 harus dimanfaatkan di tempat yang biasanya memerlukan antena eksternal. Dan karena Catalyst 9166D1 menggunakan antena terarah internal, perangkat ini menghilangkan kebutuhan akan perangkat keras tambahan untuk mencapai jangkauan nirkabel yang ideal.

Manajemen operasional bersifat fleksibel karena pelanggan dapat mengubah manajemen jaringan mereka kapan pun mereka mau. Jika jaringan dengan Cisco Catalyst 9166 Series Access Points awalnya merupakan penerapan di tempat, jaringan tersebut dapat diubah menjadi manajemen berbasis cloud tanpa perlu membeli dan mendistribusikan ulang perangkat keras tambahan, sehingga Anda dapat menghemat uang saat membangun jaringan dengan cara Anda sendiri.

Dengan platform jaringan di tempat terkemuka di industri (Catalyst) yang bergabung dengan platform TI cloud terkemuka di industri (Meraki), titik akses ini memberikan pengalaman jaringan yang tak tertandingi. Bagi organisasi yang membutuhkan solusi nirkabel untuk memberikan pengalaman yang andal, fleksibel, dan unggul bagi pengguna Anda, Cisco Catalyst 9166 Series Access Points adalah pilihan terbaik.



Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax)

The IEEE 802.11ax standard, also known as High-Efficiency Wireless (HEW) or Wi-Fi 6, builds on 802.11ac. It delivers a better experience in typical environments with more predictable performance for advanced applications such as 4K or 8K video; high-density, high-definition collaboration apps; all-wireless offices; and the Internet of Things (IoT). Wi-Fi 6E is Wi-Fi 6 “extended” into the 6GHz frequency band.

XOR radio

The dual-band XOR radio in the Catalyst 9166 Series enables shifting capacity between 6GHz and a secondary 5GHz radio.

Environmental sensors

These built-in sensors measure air quality (Total Volatile Organic Compounds [TVOC]), temperature, and humidity, and help ensure a safe working environment, avoiding the need to install an overlay of difficult-to-manage independent sensors.

Zero Wait DFS

Allows for continuous monitoring of DFS channels for radar events thus enabling faster channel changes when needed. This enables RRM to minimize client distribution and maximize operational readiness.

(Available Fall 2023)

AP power optimizations (AP Power Save Mode)

AP Power optimizations (AP Power save mode) allows the access point to reduce its power consumption by e.g. shutting off radios during off-hours and weekends – whilst still being smart enough to re-engage all features should they be needed. This both saves power and reduces the carbon footprint of running a wireless network.

CleanAir Pro

CleanAir Pro applies Cisco’s industry leading RF Interference detection and classification to the 2.4GHz, 5GHz, and 6GHz bands.

Client steering

Enhanced to help clients that are 6GHz capable to leave the 5GHz radio and connect to the 6GHz radio. Wi-Fi 6E clients are automatically directed to connect to the 6GHz radio to take advantage of the benefits it offers and free up the 2.4GHz and 5GHz radios for legacy clients.

Uplink/downlink OFDMA

Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access (OFDMA)-based scheduling splits the bandwidth into smaller frequency allocations called Resource Units (RUs), which can be assigned to individual clients in both the downlink and uplink directions to reduce overhead and latency.

Uplink/downlink MU-MIMO technology

Supporting the highest number with 12 spatial streams, MultiUser Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MU-MIMO) enables the access points to split spatial streams between client devices to maximize throughput.

BSS coloring

Spatial reuse (also known as Basic Service Set [BSS] coloring) allow the access points and their clients to differentiate between BSSs, thus permitting more simultaneous transmissions.

Target Wake Time

Target Wake Time (TWT) allows the client to stay asleep and to wake up only at prescheduled (target) times to exchange data with the access point. This offers significant energy savings for battery-operated devices, up to three to four times the savings achieved by 802.11n and 802.11ac.

Intelligent Capture

Intelligent Capture probes the network and provides Cisco DNA Center with deep analysis. The software can track more than 240 anomalies and instantaneously review all packets on demand, emulating the onsite network administrator.

Intelligent Capture allows for more informed decisions on your wireless networks.

Application hosting

Application hosting helps simplify IoT deployments and ready them for the future by eliminating the need to install and manage overlay networks. Using the USB interface, containerized applications and hardware modules can be deployed to reduce cost and complexity. Adding Cisco DNA Center provides workflows and deployment-wide application lifecycle management.

Bluetooth 5.1

The integrated Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) 5.1 radio enables location-based use cases such as asset tracking, wayfinding, and analytics.

Container support for applications

Container support enables edge computing capabilities for IoT applications on the host access point.

Choice of management mode

The Catalyst 9166 Series can be managed either on-premises with Catalyst 9800 Series Wireless Controllers or cloud-managed through the Meraki Dashboard. It gives you the flexibility to deploy the access points in one management mode and shift to a different management mode in the future.

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Cisco Catalyst 9166 Series Access Points